How the dream of becoming a football coach became a reality during lockdown

How the dream of becoming a football coach became a reality during lockdown

Find out how I work with Phil Novell at Ultimate Footballers to create and deliver his social media, email and blog marketing each month.

How this savvy business owner cut her workload and increased results

How this savvy business owner cut her workload and increased results

Find out how I work with Steph Thornton at Perran Yarns to create and deliver her social media, email and blog marketing each month.

How to check your social media analytics

How to check your social media analytics

Struggling to work out if your social media posts are hitting the spot? Let me show you exactly where to check your social media analytics, or ‘Insights’ as we call them. These are the handy stats behind your audience growth and engagement, which show you exactly how well, or not, a social media post, campaign, or overall marketing strategy is doing.

How to really refresh your website for success in 2021

How to really refresh your website for success in 2021

Struggling to know how to improve your website in order to outshine the competition this year? Read on, because I’ll show you exactly how to refresh your website for success in 2021!

Refreshing my website is something that I do once a year, unless there is a major change to my business. Why? Because my website is my online sales rep and as such, it has to be fit for purpose in both attracting and serving the right clients with my products and services, and also in helping me build a mailing list of potential contacts.

Read on and let me show you how to refresh your website.