'C' of marketing terms — Content Marketing Dictionary by Copywriter Sara Millis

How to create a content brief that empowers your writers and boosts quality

How to create a content brief that empowers your writers and boosts quality

Do you need help creating effective content briefs for your writers? Look no further! In this article, I'll show you how to write a content brief that truly empowers your writers.

I’ll review all the key elements and best practices, sharing template ideas to help make your content briefs stand out.

Marketing Conversion: How to effectively measure the rate of conversion in marketing

Marketing Conversion: How to effectively measure the rate of conversion in marketing

A conversion is the moment at which a person completes the desired action on receiving a marketing message. Examples of a conversion might be; a sign up for an email list, a purchase, or sharing a message on social media, or email.

CTA: What is it and how to use it effectively in your marketing

CTA: What is it and how to use it effectively in your marketing

Call To Action, or CTA as it is often abbreviated to in marketing terms, is the small piece of copy on a web page, product listing, email, or social post designed to elicit an action from your audience, or customer. It could be as simple as a link button that says “Buy Now!”, which then leads to a checkout page.