How to submit a sitemap to Google Search Console

Wondering how to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to be ranked among your competitors and reach new clients? Read on because here’s a complete how-to.

Why you should submit a sitemap to Google Search Console (GSC)

Submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console is essential for several reasons.

  1. Helps with indexing - A sitemap is a file that contains a list of all the pages on your website. Submitting your sitemap to Google provides the search engine with a roadmap of your website's content. This can help Google find and index pages that might not be easily discoverable through other means, such as internal links or backlinks.

  2. Improves crawl efficiency - When Google crawls your site, it has to follow links from one page to another. By providing a sitemap, you're helping Google crawl your site more efficiently since it can see all the pages in one place.

  3. Monitor crawl errors - If there are any issues with your sitemap, such as broken links or missing pages, Google Search Console will report the errors. You can use this information to fix any problems and ensure that Google can correctly crawl and index your site's pages.

  4. Better search results - By providing Google with a complete and accurate sitemap, you increase the chances that your site's pages will appear in search results for relevant queries.

Overall, submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console is a simple yet effective way to ensure that your website is being properly indexed and crawled by Google, which can lead to improved search engine visibility and traffic.

The same is true for other search engines, so make sure you plan to submit sitemaps to all of the search engines out there!

How to set up a property on GSC

Setting up a property on GSC is a straightforward process. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Google Search Console website and sign in using your Google account credentials.

  2. Click the "Add Property" button on the top left of the dashboard.

  3. Enter your website's URL in the text box and click "Add."

  4. Google Search Console will prompt you to verify ownership of the website. Choose a verification method (e.g. HTML file upload, domain name provider, Google Analytics, or Google Tag Manager) and follow the instructions to complete the verification process.

  5. Once you've verified ownership of your website, your property will be added to Google Search Console, and you'll be able to access data and insights about your website's performance.

It's important to note that if you have multiple versions of your website (e.g. http and https, with or without www), you should add each version as a separate property in Google Search Console to ensure that you have a complete view of your website's performance.

How to submit a sitemap to Google Search Console

Submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console can help Google better understand the structure and content of your website. It can also help you to know where and when Google bots crawled your site, looking at and indexing new pages.

Here are the steps to submit a sitemap to Google Search Console:

  1. Sign in to your Google Search Console account.

  2. Select your website property from the list of properties.

  3. On the left-hand menu, click "Sitemaps" under "Index."

  4. Click on the "Add/Test Sitemap" button at the top right of the page.

  5. Enter the URL of your sitemap in the text field, for example: ""

  6. Click on "Submit" and wait for Google to process your sitemap. You should see a message indicating that your sitemap was submitted successfully.

Once you've submitted your sitemap, Google will start crawling your site and indexing its pages. You can also monitor the status of your sitemap and any errors by checking the Sitemaps report in Google Search Console.

FAQs about submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console

Here are some frequently asked questions about submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console:

Q: What is a sitemap?

A: A sitemap is a file that contains a list of all the pages on your website. It's used to help search engines like Google understand the structure and content of your site.

Q: How do I create a sitemap?

A: Several tools and plugins can help you create a sitemap for your website, such as the Google XML Sitemaps plugin for WordPress or the XML Sitemap Generator tool.

Q: What file format should my sitemap be in?

A: Your sitemap should be in XML format, which is the format that Google and other search engines can read.

Q: How often should I submit my sitemap to Google Search Console?

A: You don't need to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console whenever you change your site. It's sufficient to submit it once, and Google will continue to crawl and index your pages as it discovers them.

However, if you regularly publish fresh blog content or have undergone a significant site change, you can either resubmit a site map or ask for individual URLs to be crawled.

Q: Can I submit multiple sitemaps for one website?

A: You can submit multiple sitemaps for one website if needed. For example, if you have a large e-commerce site with thousands of products, you can split your sitemap into several smaller sitemaps to make it easier for Google to crawl.

Q: How long does it take for Google to process my sitemap?

A: It can take a few hours to several days for Google to process your sitemap. This will depend on the size of your site and the number of pages. You can check the status of your sitemap in Google Search Console to see if there are any errors or issues.

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Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂